Extreme Rules 2012 (Finishers)

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Kane - Chokeslam

Randy Orton - RKO

Brodus Clay - Running Splash

Cody Rhodes - Beautiful Disaster

Big Show - Spear

Chokeslam to the Table

Military Press Slam to the Table

Sheamus - Diving Shoulder Block

Daniel Bryan - Kicks combo

Lebell Lock

Sheamus - Irish Curse

Brogue Kick

Ryback - Big Boot


Muscle Buster

Chris Jericho - Triangle Dropkick

Enzuigiri Kick

Cm Punk - Rolling Neckbreaker

Shinning Wizzard + Running Bulldog

Diving Elbow Drop

Chris Jericho - One Hand Bulldog


Walls of Jericho

Cm Punk - Diving Elbow Drop to the Table

Anaconda Vise

Chris Jericho - Codebreaker with the Chair

Cm Punk - Go to Sleep

Layla - The Layout

Brock Lesnar - Spear + Punchs

German Suplex

Jogando na escada


Kimura Lock

Attitude Adjustment

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